When testing version 2.7.0. it became clear that in some situations, the installation did leave out one or two important files. Causing the application not being able to start.
We tried to address this issue in 2.7.1, and release it instead of 2.7.0 to prevent errors on the installation of the new version.
In addition, a change made to the API is released with this version as well.
Main Improvements
Multiple custom paths for flows published as endpoint
When making a flow available as an endpoint you had the option to provide one path as a custom path. We added the option to provide multiple paths.
Separate the paths with a ‘;’ to provide multiple paths. Both will lead to the same flow.
The Application Was Unable to Start Correctly
In some cases, this error could pop up after the installation of Codolex. This could be caused by Windows Defender.
We tried to solve this issue in the new version. If this issue still arises. More information can be found on the forum:
Codolex forum